Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jamaaliday is finally here!!!

I can't belive the Jamaalidays came so fast! Just a reminder this is the last day of all the jamaaliday stuff so make sure you have at least one of each jamaaliday item just so you can mabie strike it rich. I also forgot to post all the presents from each day. Sorry i was really busy decorating my den. By the way you can visit it any time! Just look up Phant0m (with a zero) and go to my den. Ok, here is the list of the presents.
-Snowflake rug
-Snowman Family
-Winter Window
-Candy Cane lights
-Gingerbread House
-Flower Headband (ocean item)
-Bag of Presents
-bow and arrows
-pink purse

You can also get duplicates by going on your different accounts and then trading them a crapy necklace for whatever thing they have.
Thanks! -Phant0m

Monday, December 19, 2011

Jamaaliday Update

theres also new jamaaliday palm trees in apondale
Jamaaliday lights, Presents, Dog House, Gum Drop, Gingerbread tree,
and icicles

This is the Coaco Hut in Mt.Shiveer
The New stuff is;
Fairy Wings, Reindeer antlers, Snowman Head, and The Wreath
This is the first page of the new den stuff
Reindeer Poop(really?!), Candy Canes, 2012 firework, Jamaaliday Ordament,
Jamaaliday Tree, Candle

The things that came back are;
Santa Mask, Reindeer Mask, Elf Hat, and the Jamaaliday Bow

My New Jamaaliday Den

This is my new Jamaaliday den. Its not as awesome as I want it to be yet.

The New Coral Canyons Shop

The new coral canyons shop i believe is going to be Clothes and Den items.